Jetpack-Compose lib: Aspect Ratio based on parent reference
Compose – Aspect Ratio Reference What? Jetpack Compose Modifier.aspectRatio does not let you choose the reference. Goal. Choose the reference to compute the…
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Compose – Aspect Ratio Reference What? Jetpack Compose Modifier.aspectRatio does not let you choose the reference. Goal. Choose the reference to compute the…
SurveyKit-compose A Server Driven UiKit made with jetpack compose to make beautiful ui’s without extra engineering efforts. Demo Video Features…
SunriseSunsetLibrary This is a highly customisable composable to display current time with respect to sunrise and sunset times with an…
Request-Permission-Compose Introduction This is an Android Library that’s implemented in JetpackCompoe to help you to request a single permission or…
Fibonacci A Jetpack Compose App which allows a user to request arbitrary numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. Screenshots Design decisions…
StoryUi Add stories to your app built with Jetpack Compose with a single composable that supports Material 3. Stories can…
Pokedex Pokedex is kotlin multiplatform project with 99% shared code, built with Compose multiplatform, Coroutines, Flow, Decompose, MVIKotlin, Koin, Ktor,…
WorkManager Usage Scheduling Background Tasks Using WorkManager Example Worker.kt class MyWorker: Worker { override fun doWork(): Result { // do…
Pin Lock ???? Light library that is beautiful Pin Lock screen for Jetpack Compose. The library handles saving pin in…