An Android app that allows users to search for images from Pixabay and view details of an image

An Android app that allows users to search for images from Pixabay and view details of an image

PixabayImages – A Pixabay client app for Android

PixabayImages is an Android app that allows users to search and view royalty free stock images. The images are fetched using the Pixabay API. It is written in Kotlin, uses Jetpack Compose, and follows Clean Architecture principles.

Key features:

  • Search for images using keywords
  • View image details which includes likes, comments and downloads
  • Searched images are cached in the database and can be viewed offline as well
  • Dark theme support
  • Portrait and landscape orientation support


FeatureLight ThemeDark Theme
Search Images
View Image Detail

To run the project:

Add this to your file:


Tech specifications

  • 100% Kotlin based app
  • Runs on Android 7.0 and higher
  • Clean Architecture implementing two primary use cases: SearchImages and GetImageDetails
  • UI built using Jetpack Compose and follows Material Design guidelines


Download the APK

Potential Improvements:

  • Add pagination to the image list
  • Add a favorites feature
  • Add a download feature
  • Improve scope of testing


View Github

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