Set up the environment
Java >= 14 is required, tested with Java 17.
CVE-2020-8694 caused all Linux distributions to change the permissions of the RAPL files. They can only be read by root.
Change the files permissions in order for this experiment to run:
chmod a+r /sys/class/powercap/intel-rapl/intel-rapl:1/energy_uj
Note that the above is not persistent and will be reset on reboot. This can be persistently changed with:
sudo apt install sysfsutils echo "mode class/powercap/intel-rapl:1/energy_uj = 0444" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysfs.conf > /dev/null sudo reboot # CAREFUL!
Try it out
By running the following command you will build the plugin locally and run a task that does some work:
./gradlew work
If you want to try it on your own build you can include the plugin build and apply the plugin in your settings:
pluginManagement { includeBuild("<path-to-this-repository>/gradle-energy-consumption-plugin") } plugins { id("energy-consumption") }
Publish a build scan to see the attached custom values
./gradlew work --scan