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Todo and habits app that built with clean architecture, MVVM and Modularization

مواقيت – عادات ومهام


An app that provides you with the tools and resources to build healthy and positive habits in an efficient and easy way. You will get daily notifications to achieve your goals. Try the app now and embark on the journey of building a healthy and positive life.- A great way to build new habits.

Project Architecture:

This project follows the Clean Architecture structure and MVVM. The domain layer contains UseCases that encapsulate a single, specific task that is part of the application’s business logic. The data layer implements the repository interface defined in the domain layer, providing a single source of truth for data. The UI layer uses all the components and classes related to the Android framework to get the data from the ViewModel layer and display it on the UI.


Data and Dependenciy Flow:

This illustration from the clean architecture book shows the dependencies between the layers in a project and the way data flows between them.

Tech stack – Library:


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