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NoteIt – A simple note-taking app written in Kotlin using the MVVM

NoteIt – Simple Note Taking App πŸ“

NoteIt is a simple note-taking app written in Kotlin using the MVVM πŸ—οΈ architectural pattern, CRUD πŸ“ operations, and ROOM 🏠 database. The app features a full material dynamic theming 🌈, support for adding/deleting notes πŸ“, and full markdown support for editing options like bold/italic/strikethrough text and the ability to create bulleted/numbered lists πŸ“Š. The app also includes nice animations πŸŽ‰.

Screenshots πŸ“·πŸ“·





To use NoteIt, clone the repository and open the project in Android Studio. Build and run the project on an emulator or a physical device.


Contributions to NoteIt are welcome. Before submitting a pull request, please ensure that your changes are well-tested and that they adhere to the project’s coding standards.


NoteIt is open source software licensed under theΒ MIT license.


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