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Multi module Android Clean Architecture based Jetpack compose project related to the Weather APP


The Clean Architecture is a software design pattern that separates the business logic from the presentation layer. This makes the application more modular and easier to test. Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building native Android UIs. It is declarative and composable, making it easy to create complex UIs with less code. Kotlin is a modern programming language that is fully interoperable with Java. It is concise, expressive, and safe. Coroutines are a lightweight concurrency model that makes it easy to write asynchronous code. Flow is a reactive programming library that makes it easy to handle streams of data. Hilt is a dependency injection library that makes it easy to manage dependencies in Android applications. Unit Testing is a software testing technique that is used to verify the correctness of individual units of code.

This project is a good example of how to use modern Android technologies to build a high-quality application. It is well-designed, easy to test, and uses the latest tools and technologies.



Used Technologies

I tried to build this application following these terms. which are:

The tools I have used to gain the Android Clean Architecture are:

API Specification

For this repository I have used a public weather api. Weather Data: structured, relevant, real-time Search multi-language worldwide weather report. Real Time, Forecasted, Future, Marine and Historical Weather, Here is the link: (


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