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LSPatch module hooking WebViews and allowing the user to open the link in their browser

LSPatch module hooking WebViews and allowing the user to open the link in their browser


Have you ever used horrible apps like Reddit which display ALL external links opened through their shitty app in a Android WebView (“in-app browser”) which, depending on the WebView implementation your phone is using, does not allow you to open the clicked link in a browser?

AntiWebView is a simple LSPosed/LSPatch module which hooks WebViews in any app and displays a notification allowing the user to open the link in their browser.



The default browser in this case is set to another app of mine, LinkSheet, which restores the Android <12 Url-App-Link Chooser


Tested Android versions: 13

Root / Magisk / LSPosed

Non-Root / LSPatch / Shizuku


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