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Get all failed PIN unlock attempts on your Android Device

Get all failed PIN unlock attempts on your Android Device

1. Pin Failed App Screens

2. What is Pin Failed

Pin Failed let’s you to get all failed PIN unlock attempts on your Android Device.

Prerequisites (Not required as such)


Database Caching Using Room

3. Interesting Things Used In The Pin Failed Project

Interesting ThingThing In Detail
KotlinThe language
NavigationBottom Navigation using Fragments
DaggerFragment Injection, View Model Injection
ArchitectureMVVM & MVC + Repository Pattern
Room DatabaseSQLite using the Room Library, DAO (Data Access Objects) and Caching Data
ViewModelsWhy and how to use ViewModels
BroadCastReceiversUsing BroadCastReceivers
Device Admin PermissionsHow to request for the Device Admin Permission


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