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Displays latest US/France news via Built with Jetpack Compose

Displays latest US/France news via Built with Jetpack Compose

News App Compose

News App Compose is a simple Android application that displays the latest news from the United States and France using the API.

This project serves as an introduction and demonstration of Clean Architecture and Jetpack Compose for building modern Android applications.


The project adheres to the principles of clean architecture and is composed of several layers.

The main layers of the project include:

In addition, the project includes a DI (Dependency Injection) layer that provides dependency injection for the different layers of the application. This helps to keep the code modular and maintainable by allowing each layer to be developed and tested independently.

Finally, the project also includes a Common layer that contains shared classes and methods used by multiple layers of the application. This helps to reduce code duplication and improve consistency across the project.

The mob.nereek.compose follows a well-organized architecture to facilitate the development and maintenance of Android applications, with the aim of creating flexible and long-term maintainable software applications.

Adding API token to the project

To add the API key, you need to replace API_NEWS_TOKEN with your actual News API key in the Constants.kt file.

object Constants {
    const val API_NEWS_TOKEN = "\"your_api_key_here\""

You can get your API key by signing up for News API on their website:

Libraries Used

Several third-party libraries were used to facilitate the development of the application. Here is a list of these libraries and the reasons why they were chosen:

# Libraries for unit testing and instrumentation testing are also included.

[ These libraries are up-to-date as of the project’s publication date ]


🛠 Skills

Kotlin, Android SDK, Clean Architecture, MVVM, Android Architecture Components, Retrofit, Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, OkHttp, Moshi, Coil, JetPack Compose, Material Design, Git.



Used By

This structure is used by the following companies:


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