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Deconstructive Pattern-Matching for Kotlin

Deconstructive Pattern-Matching for Kotlin


Scala-Style Deconstructive Pattern-Matching for Kotlin.

Decomat is available on Maven Central. To use it, add the following to your build.gradle.kts:



Decomat is a library that gives Kotlin a way to do pattern-matching on ADTs (Algebraic Data Types) in a way that is similar to Scala’s pattern-matching. For example:

case class Customer(name: Name, affiliate: Affiliate)
case class Name(first: String, last: String)
sealed trait Affiliate
case class Partner(id: Int) extends Affiliate
case class Organization(name: String) extends Affiliate

someone match {
  case Customer(Name(first @ "Joe", last), Partner(id)) => func(first, last, id)
  case Customer(Name(first @ "Jack", last), Organization("BigOrg")) => func(first, last)

Similarly, in Kotlin with Decomat you can do this:

  case( Customer[Name[Is("Joe"), Is()], Partner[Is()]] )
    .then { first, last, id -> func(first, last, id) },
  case( Customer[Name[Is("Jack"), Is()], Organization[Is("BigOrg")]] )
    .then { first, last -> func(first, last) }

Whereas normally the following would be needed:

when(someone) {
  is Customer ->
    if ( == "Joe") {
      when (val aff = someone.affiliate) {
        is Partner -> {
        else -> fail()
    } else if ( == "Jack") {
      when (val aff = someone.affiliate) {
        is Organization -> {
          if ( == "BigOrg") {
          } else fail()
        else -> fail()
    } else fail()

Decomat is not a full replacement of Scala’s pattern-matching, but it does have some of the same features and usage patterns in a limited scope. The primary insight behind Decomat is that for in most of the cases where Scala ADT pattern matching is used:


1. Build

In order to get started with Decomat, add the needed dependencies to your build.gradle.kts file and enable KSP. Decomat relies on various extension methods that are generated by KSP.

// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
  id("") version "<ksp-version>"


2. Annotate


data class Customer(@Component val name: Name, @Component val affiliate: Affiliate) {
  override val productComponents = productComponentsOf(this, name, affiliate)
  companion object {}

Follow these steps for all other classes that you want to pattern match on, in the case above to Name and Partner as follows:

data class Name(@Component val first: String, @Component val last: String) {
  override val productComponents = productComponentsOf(this, first, last)
  companion object {}

data class Partner(@Component val id: Int) {
  override val productComponents = productComponentsOf(this, id)
  companion object {}

Then use KSP to generate the needed extension methods, in IntelliJ this typically just means running the ‘Rebuild Project’ command. The extension-methods will be generated inside of your project under projectDir/build/generated/ksp/main/kotlin/. They will be placed in the same package as the @Matchable data classes.

Note that ONLY the parameters that you actually want to deconstruct shuold be annotated with @Component and only 2 are supported. You can use the thenIfThis and thenThis methods to conveniently interact with non-component methods during filtration. There can be other non-component parameters in the constructor before, after, and in-between them:

data class Customer(
  val something: String, 
  @Component val name: Name, 
  val somethingElse: String, 
  @Component val affiliate: Affiliate,
  val yetSomethingElse: String
) { ... }

3. Use!

Then you can use the on and case functions to pattern match on the ADTs and the then function to perform transformations.

  case( Customer[Name[Is("Joe"), Is()], Partner(Is())] )
    .then { first, last, id -> func(first, last, id) },
  // Other cases...

Note that Scala also allows you to match a variable based on just a type. For example:

someone match {
  case Customer(Name(first, last), partner: Partner) => func(first, last, part)

In Decomat, you can do using the the Is function with a type and empty parameter-list.

  case( Customer[Name[Is(), Is()], Is<Partner>()] )
    // Note how since we are not deconstructing the Partner class anymore, the 3rd parameter
    // switches from the `id: Int` type to the `partner: Partner` type.
    .then { first, last, partner /*: Partner*/ -> func(first, last, partner) },
  // Other cases...

There are several other methods provided for pattern-matching convenience.


The thenIf method allows you to perform a transformation only if the predicate is true. This is similar to adding a if clause to a Scala pattern-match case. For example:

someone match {
  case Customer(Name(first, last), Partner(id)) if (first == "Joe") => func(first, last, id)

In Decomat, this would be done as follows:

  case( Customer[Name[Is(), Is()], Partner(Is())] )
    .thenIf { first, last, id -> first == "Joe" }
    .then { first, last, id -> func(first, last, id) },
  // Other cases...

If you want to filter by a non @Component annoated field, you can use the thenIfThis method. This method allows you to use the pattern-matched object as a reciever. For example:

data class Customer(val something: String, @Component val name: Name, @Component val affiliate: Affiliate) { ... }

  case( Customer[Name[Is(), Is()], Partner(Is())] )
    .thenIfThis {{ first, last, id ->
      // Note that the first, last, and id properties are available here but you do not necessarily need to use them,
      // since you can use the `this` keyword to refer to the `Customer` instance (also `this` can be omitted entirely).
      something == "something"
    .then { name, affiliate -> func(name, affiliate) },
  // Other cases...

Here we are using the Customer class as a reciever in the thenIfThis class above. The properties firstlast, and id are also available to use if you need them.

The actual signature of thenIfThis is:

R.() -> (component1, component2, ...) -> Boolean

That is why the double braches {{ ... }} are needed.


If you want to use any fields of the pattern-matched object that are not one of the components, you can use the thenThis method. This method allows you to use the pattern-matched object as a reciever. For example:

data class Customer(val something: String, @Component val name: Name, @Component val affiliate: Affiliate) {
  val somethingElse = "somethingElse"

  case( Customer[Name[Is(), Is()], Partner(Is())] )
    .thenThis {{ first, last, id ->
      // You can use the `this` keyword to refer to the `Customer` instance (also `this` can be omitted entirely).
      // (the components first, last, id are also available here for convenience)
      this.something + this.somethingElse
  // Other cases...

ADTs with Type Parameters (i.e. GADTs)

Decomat supports ADTs with type parameters but they are not used in the Pattern-components. Instead, they are converted into start-projections. This is because typing all of the parameters would make the matching highly restrictive. (Also, type-parameters cannot be used as part of the pattern-matching due to type-erasure.)

For example:

sealed interface Query<T>
data class Map<T, R>(@Component val head: Query<T>, @Component val body: Query<R>): Query<R> {
  // ...
data class Entity<T>(@Component val value: T): Query<T> {
  fun <R> someField(getter: () -> R): Query<R> = Property(this, getter())
  // ...

The Query interface is converted into a star-projection when it is used in a match.

  case( Map[Is(), Is()] )
    .then { head: Query<*>, body: Query<*> -> func(head, body) },
  case( Entity[Is()] )
    .then { value: Entity<*> -> func(value) },
  // Other cases...

Note how the head and body elements are star projections instead of the origin types? This is done so that the Map case can match any Query type, otherwise the matching logic would be too restrictive. (E.g. it would be difficult to deduce the type of the head and body elements causing the generated code to be incorrect)

If you want to experiment with fully-typed ADT-components nonetheless, use @Matchable(simplifyTypes = false).


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