A KMM sample showing the SpaceX rockets and launches using SpaceXApi
SpaceXRockets A KMM sample showing the SpaceX rockets and launches using SpaceXApi The stack Showcase Android rockets_android.mov iOS rockets_ios.mov Before running!…
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SpaceXRockets A KMM sample showing the SpaceX rockets and launches using SpaceXApi The stack Showcase Android rockets_android.mov iOS rockets_ios.mov Before running!…
glove-android: Using GloVe word embeddings in Android glove-android is an Android library that provides an interface for using popular GloVe word embeddings. Installation…
MyComposeMultiplatformTemplate Template for Compose KMP app, just clone and get started to make wonderful Apps in KMP. MyComposeMultiplatformTemplate is KotlinMultiplatform…
Crates Bukkit Plugin The Crates plugin provides server owners with the ability to give their players Crate Keys to open…
🍲 Foodium (Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile) Foodium is a simple and sample mobile application built to demonstrate the use of Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile for developing Android…
fmodel-spring-demo (EventSourcing) A demo/example project for the imaginary restaurant and order management. this bleuprint is an outcome of the event-modeling process Fmodel…
SoccerQuiz Sample multi-modular project The project has been developing. Stack: Kotlin, Coroutines, Flows, MVVM, Koin, Android Jetpack Components (NavGraph, etc),…
debounce Debounce your lambdas. What is debouncing? In programming, “debouncing” refers to a technique used to prevent multiple triggering of…
Git A Home-Made Recipe With Kotlin About This Project is My Attempt To Reimplement Git With Kotlin. Why? I See…
jmeter-playwright experimental JMeter Plugin to launch playwright from a custom thread group. Installation Copy the JAR file from this site’s releases into…