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Android Video/Audio Downloader app using yt-dlp


YTDLnis is a free and open source video/audio downloader using yt-dlp for Android 6.0 and above.

💡 Features:

📲 Screenshots

💬 Contact

Join our Telegram Channel or Discord for discussion, announcements, and releases!

🔑 Connect with YouTube ReVanced

The App’s package name is com.deniscerri.ytdl

📝 Help Translate on Weblate

😇 Contributing

If you would like to contribute. Please read the Contributing section.

📄 License

GNU GPL v3.0

⚠️ Warning

Except for the source code licensed under the GPLv3 license, all other parties are prohibited from using the ‘YTDLnis’ name as a downloader app, and the same is true for its derivatives. Derivatives include but are not limited to forks and unofficial builds.

🙏 Thanks

and alot of other internet forum strangers.


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