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An app that helps keep track of your notifications

NotificationTracker đź””

An app that helps keep track of your đź””Notificationsđź””

Idea behind the app

Ever swiped away a notification mindlessly ❌ and then never found out what it was❓ Well, that’s how I ended up creating this app 💡.

About the app

Never miss a notification again with Notification Tracker app. This app has features like:

📸 Screenshots of the app

Home PageAll NotifsApp wise Notifs
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Package Structure

com.mihir.notificationtracker    # Root Package
├── database            # RoomDb and Interface
├── helper              # AppObjectController and Extensions
├── model               # Model classes
└── ui                  # UI/View layer
    ├── adapter         # RecyclerView Adapter
    ├── screens         # UI of the app
    └── vm              # ViewModel

Built Using đź› 

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

This app uses special permissions like:

Download the app from here👇

How to contribute?

What do you need to get started?

Latest version of android studio and basic android and googling skills will get you going.

All contributions are welcomed, Properly describe changes made and attach supporting ScreenShots in the PR. For major changes first open an issue.


Initial work: Mihir Shah


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