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An android application designed to provide seamless wireless control of a PC over a local area network

Macro Keys

Macro Keys is an android application designed to provide seamless wireless control of a PC over a local area network. To use the application, simply run the accompanying Java program on the target PC, and obtain the IP address and Port for establishing a connection. Once this is done, you can easily set up an unlimited number of buttons on the application to perform various tasks on the PC.

One of the major benefits of Macro Keys is the ability to send keyboard text inputs, a handy feature for those who frequently require repeated text inputs on their PC. This not only saves valuable time but also provides the user with an external control device that is both convenient and efficient. The application is versatile and can be used for controlling presentations and video playback, among other things.

In addition to basic text input, Macro Keys also allows you to configure it to send combinations of keys. This feature is particularly useful for those who work with numerous keyboard shortcuts and would like to execute complex tasks with a single button press. For example, you could configure the application to open a new Run Command, enter a string command, and execute it all in one go.

Another exciting feature of Macro Keys is the ability to control mouse input from the application. You can effortlessly move the mouse to any given coordinates on the screen, press a mouse button, and even enter text.

Overall, Macro Keys is a powerful tool that can enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow. It is ideal for anyone who desires an external control device that is both efficient and easy to use.

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