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A file management tool for Android that specialises in maintenance

SD Maid 2/SE

SD Maid 2/SE in actively being worked on and not feature complete. Feature requests are welcome!

SD Maid SE (aka SD Maid 2) is a file management tool for Android that specialises in maintenance. Its core purpose is freeing up space and removing unwanted data.

Features include:

SD Maid SE is the successor to SD Maid. A complete rewrite, optimized for newer Android versions, with a focus on SD Maid’s most popular features. More details about SD Maid vs SD Maid SE can be found in the FAQ.


Google Play
Google Play Beta?
Github Releases
F-Droid (IzzyOnDroid)

Support the project

SD Maid has no ads and doesn’t sell your data.

Development is financed by individual user contributions, i.e. you buying the upgrade on Google Play or becoming a sponsor ❤️.

Get help



Contributions are welcome! There are a few ways you can contribute and a few things to consider.


Do you speak multiple languages? Making SD Maid accessible to more people is absolutely awesome!

Consider joining SD Maid SE’s translation project on Crowdin:

If your target language is not yet available, create an issue ticket about adding support.

Clutter definitions

Parts of SD Maid rely on manually added definitions for clutter and filters for expendable files. Found something that SD Maid does not yet detect?

You can either open an issue ticket (example here) an, or directly create a pull request if it’s just a definition issue (example here).


You can code? 🙏🏻 Even if your fingers are itching, don’t just start coding and open a PR. First create an issue ticket about what you want to do and wait until it is approved.


SD Maid SE’s code is available under a GPL v3 license, this excludes:


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