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A compose MVI weather app, that polls for data every 10 seconds

Weather App


A weather app that displays the forecast for the current day and loads new weather data for different coordinates every 10 seconds.

API : OpenMeteo

Pre-requisite 📝

// Built from A.S Giraffe

Design/Architectural decisions 📐

The project makes use of common android patterns in modern android codebases.

Project Structure

The folders are split into 4 boundaries:


The data layer is unit tested by mocking out external dependencies i.e The Api Service Interface The ui layer on the viewmodels, has a mix of unit and integration test with the repository being the real one but with swapped dependencies. There are no instrumented or connected tests for now but would be nice for an end to end testing approach.

Technologies 🔨

Language : Kotlin

Libraries :


More to do on this codebase

  1. Integrate CI Pipeline with lint checks,code formatting and code signing
  2. Split debug and release build i.e Better app icon for debug and release and other environment settings.
  3. Time formatting i.e current time, 12hr / 24hr system.
  4. Look into cache and eviction strategies once it has more data i.e make the app offline first.
  5. Better issue observability i.e logging errors in Repository on a dashboard somewhere i.e Crashlytics
  6. Setup for performance monitoring i.e Baseline Profiles, Memory Check i.e leak canary etc & Look into how network and battery consumption is affected by polling.
  7. Notification for weather alerts and current day forecast.
  8. Support for a weather widget
  9. Map and Consume more API data once current feature set is polished i.e Weekly weather information,humidity,wind speed etc.
  10. Process improvements i.e PR templates/Setup Linting with detekt/ktlint
  11. Translations for currently supported languages ,i.e strings in res.
  12. Convert Longitude/Latitude to location name
  13. Convert hard coded values in the service interface to user preference such as metric vs imperial units.
  14. Improve UI , have Icons and stuff.
  15. Use real locations & ability to select multiple locations + setup permissions flow.

Screenshots 📱


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