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A camera app that can either continuously detects hand landmarks and classifies gestures

Sign language reader app

Taken from googlesample/mediapipe


This is a camera app that can either continuously detects hand landmarks and classifies gestures (gesture name and confidence level) from camera frames seen by your device’s front camera, an image, or a video from the device’s gallery using a custom task file.

The task file is downloaded by a Gradle script when you build and run the app. You don’t need to do any additional steps to download task files into the project explicitly unless you wish to use your own custom gesture recognition task. If you do use your own task file, place it into the app’s assets directory.

This application should be run on a physical Android device to take advantage of the camera.

Build the demo using Android Studio



Models used

Downloading, extraction, and placing the models into the assets folder is managed automatically by the download.gradle file.


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